On Saturday morning July 19, 2008 the Irvington Fire Department Water Rescue Unit took part in a drill set up by Sleepy Hollow F.D. The training took place on the Hudson River at Kingsland Point Park. The scenario was a pleasure boater in cardiac arrest collides with kayakers. Irvington's Marine 4 pulled injured victims from the waters surface along with Marine Units from Sleepy Hollow, Tarrytown, Nyack and Piermont. The divers from Irvington F.D. teamed up with divers from Mount Pleasant P.D. to do under water search patterns to find drowning victims. Divers from Piermont also searched for and located drowning victims. All victims were transported to Phelps Hospital by local EMS units.
Car 2201, Car 2203, R-49 and M-4
Irvington F.D. and Mount Pleasant P.D. divers get ready to start their search.
A diver from Irvington brings a victim to shore to be transported to Phelps Hospital.
Rescuers from Sleepy Hollow off load a victim for transport to the Hospital.
A Mount Pleasant Diver and Asst. Chief Jim Ruffler getting set to start their dive.